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To the left you have one of my councilors, and he is every bit of 6 feet and 7 inches. He likes to tell people he is only 6'-6" because he has found in his life that people don't freak out when they meet 6'-6" individuals quite as much as when they meet individuals who are actually an inch taller than that. I (not pictured) stand a solid 5'-6", but I like to tell people that I am 5'-7". I do this because if i don't they ask me where i buy my "little man" clothing. (just in case you are keeping track of the math, that makes him a full 13 inches taller than me!) To the right you have my son (i don't think i have a tape measure long enough to do the math on that one.)
Calmly, Parker stood behind that "wild croc" waiting for it to step out of line. The beast reared it's head and Parker pulled on it's tail so hard that crocodile tears came to the "croc's" eyes (really, they were huge like the croc). And just that quickly, the beast was tamed, and all of the little children hoped on their new deluxe transport and toured the zoo like royalty.
Parker further explores the world of paleontology, explaining, "that no one really understands what the dinosaurs looked like. How could they possibly determine skin/scale types, eating habits, hunting rituals, parenting methods, anatomy and physiology, age and cause of death from a small piece of a bone (that i personally think is part of a gizzard). Really, they are just making it up as they go along, at least for the most part. So I am getting a jump on my competition. This is the world's first glimpse of the terrible taco meat eating sososaurus."
Parker is continuing to pursue artistic endeavors (much to the dismay of his mother, who watches in horror as he goes about tyring to destroy her third hammer). Anyone who knows his mother might think that he is starting to create his own jewelry, but one who knows my son would understand that he is honing his skills with a small hammer so that he can one day uncover dinosaur bones. "Daddy," he says, "when I uncover my first dinosaur, I am going to name him a sososaurus so momma will forgive me for ruining her hammers."