
One More Just for You

(I'm not talking about another face revealing picture you self centered freak. I'm talking about donuts. Your so vain you probably think this post is about you.)


Parker's Face

(I hope that you are all happy now!)


Wall to Wall Fun

When no one is looking, Parker scales walls like his name sake. When others are watching however, he prefers to take advantage of their ignorance. With mom he either makes her climb or makes her climb while carrying him, while with papa ... (well, perhaps that explains itself.)


New or Old Missionaries

While Stacey and I were glad to have the Elders with us, Parker seemed more than a little bit indifferent. He explained to me afterwards, "Its not that I don't like them dad, it's that I can't tell one from the other, and quite honestly, that degree of homogeneity (he does like to make up words like his old man) creeps me out a little bit."