
Walking the Grandpa

I know what this looks like. Grandpa takes out the child to walk the dog. But let's be realistic. Walking the dog is all about control. The human controls when the dog walks, when the dog stops, and when the dog goes (#1 & #2). That is why they make leashes and fences. So if walking the dog is about exercising human control, than the same could be said about the Grandfather and the child. You might suspect that the Grandfather is in control, but you would be wrong (you wouldn't even bare any resemblance to being right). The child, first of all, is getting a free ride. He controls where they go, when they stop, how fast they go, and what they look at. He even controls what they talk about. In this case, the child is doing double duty, because he no doubt is responsible for the walking of both the Grandpa and the dog, but has simply delegated the dog to the grandpa (what a slave driver). Just in case you are still skeptical, try imaging it this way. The politician sits within his luxury limousine as his driver & vehicle musters the horsepower to take him to his chosen destination. Everything else is just a detail in the exercise of control.