
Anne, Roy & Evan

Parker very early formed in his mind, an understanding of the concept of association. He would see a rubber duck and say, "duck, quack quack." Should he see another duck, he would first group them together, and then say, two ducks, quack quack." He understands that all items with which he plays are "toys" and also that all who play with him are his "buddies." Recently, his ability to associate has increased significantly with the added understanding that two unlike objects can have a more abstract relationship to one another. As Stacey dropped me off at work several days ago, one of my bosses drove up right behind us. Parker saw her get out of the car, and immediately he recognized her, "Anne, Anne, Anne, Anne," he then said without prompting or seeing anyone else, "Roy (this is Anne's husband and partner in their firm)" and then concluded by saying, "Evan, Evan (Evan is Parker's buddy pictured above)." It was amazing to see him understand that each of these people are individuals and have a unique identity, but also belong to one another as a family. (Next we are going to work on the concept of authority.)