
Pop Cycles

Parker and I tend to go trough the same cycle most days. He wakes me up in the morning, "Daddy get up, get me out." To which I respond, "Go to sleep, daddy wants to sleep!" during the day, he emails me at work, "lkasdf(87@(*&@>po9usa/" and I email him back, "your silly Parker." When I get home from work, he runs to me, gives me a hug and says, "Let's RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" At bedtime we sing and dance and read. Then, after I put him in his bed, I hear him singing, dancing and pretending to read. Before I go to bed, I get him up to go to the potty, after which I ask him if he is tired. He says, "Parker tired, go to sleep" (Why can't he just say that in the morning?)