
Where There is Smoke, There is .....

This year, Parker really started to like the fireworks of the Fourth of July. In years past, they just freaked him out altogether. Now, he lives in relative piece and harmony with all but the most horrible of the smoke and fire starters. However, we did have two exceptions to his newly developed disposition. We were out side when one of our neighbors set off one of those 56 explosions in 2 seconds firecrackers that just about wake the dead (really what is the point of making that much noise and smoke ever, I mean EVER). After seeing this, Parker didn't freak out. Instead he calmly walked to the door of the house and said, "Parker go inside now." Later that evening we were on the way to a fireworks show when he decided to projectile vomit over about 80% of the backseat. I don't know if he didn't want to go, or if he just didn't want to eat the cheese we were feeding him while we drove (Either way, it was really gross.)