
A present from Dennis

(Hurrican Dennis that is)
Dennis drove many people away from the gulf coast, as do most category 4 hurricanes, and into Jackson Mississippi. So imagine our suprise when we show up for church and one of Stacey's best friends from highschool was there waiting out the storm. She had left her husband to deal with the winds and rain, and we had her and and her three girls (of who the older two both repeatedly denied being silly geese or ganders for that matter) over to our house for lunch and playtime. The next suprise came when the frenzy of winds (reaching a max of 10mph) knocked down one of our neighbors trees, which in turn pulled down a line which fed another neighbors house, which in turn pulled their power meter off the wall, which in turn overloaded the neighborhood transformer, leaving us all without power for over 5 hours. But we had fun in the dark and out in the rain anyway. (plus we have the privelege of being one of the 10 total houses in Jackson which lost power due to hurricane dennis) We figure it took so long to get our power turned on due to the fact that the electric company had 100 trucks parked at the colesuim waiting to be deployed to areas of real emergency.