
New Toys & Old Toys

I honestly don't think it mattered to Parker. The new toys were just as easy to destroy as the old ones. I need to make a note of this for Christmas next year.


Leaving Something to the Imagination

At the annual Christmas Party, Stacey and Parker demonstrated their common genes in unique ways. While I spent the evening trying to get a picture of my beautiful wife's face (she refuses to allow this saying that her immense beauty would cripple the camera and demoralize all of human kind if documented) Parker went around photographing people legs (he claims that photographing people's faces not only captures part of their soul, but that turns it over to the devil.)


The Growing Artist - Part Eight

The other night I was watching "My Name is Earl" and Parker stopped me to say, "Daddy, this movie is about Randy, and that one's name is called Earl." At first I thought is was impressive that he understood the character structure of the show, but then I realized that he was deep into character analysis. He understood that at the root of Earl's character was a desire for redemption and at the root of Randy's character was the need to be accepted. I was stunned, and then I looked and he was crying. I thought he was moved by the strong relationship of these brothers portrayed by these actors until he said, "I hear in Hollywood that the best actors can cry on demand."


This One isn't About You Either

When immersed in a good book, Parker becomes oblivious to the rest of reality. When that book happens to be about animals, he shuts himself off from humanity. (Unfortunately for you, that means you will have to settle for a picture of the animal book, it really was the best I could do.)